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Sediment removal from run-of-the-river hydropower reservoirs by hydraulic flushing

Author(s): Neena Isaac; T. I. Eldho

Linked Author(s): Eldho T.I.

Keywords: Empirical equation; Hydraulic flushing; Hydraulic models; One-dimensional models; Run-of-the-river hydropower project; Reservoir sedimentation

Abstract: The concept of sustainable development is gaining popularity and hydroelectric projects designed and operated on this concept require sediment management as prime design criteria. Drawdown flushing is being practised in such projects for sediment management. Investigations using hydraulic models are required for the projects to address the site-specific design concerns. In the present study, simulations conducted using hydraulic model for sediment removal by drawdown flushing of the reservoir of Punatsangchhu hydroelectric project, Bhutan, is presented. The experiments on 1:100 geometrically similar scale model indicated that flushing is effective in maintaining the power intake area clear of sediment deposition. Deposition from the upstream reaches could not be flushed hydraulically. Furthermore, based on wide range of experimental data from hydraulic model studies, empirical equations have been developed for predicting the quantity of sediment that can be flushed from the reservoirs. The present equations have been developed including more parameters than those used in equations already available in literature. Two equations have been developed for different riverbed slope ranges with steep slope (0.005–0.04) and moderate slope (0.001–0.005). The equations developed were validated against different sets of data and it indicated that the predictions could be made within reasonable accuracy. These equations can be effectively used for hydraulic design of sediment removal from run-of-the-river hydropower reservoirs.


Year: 2019

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