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Dynamic Pressures on Curved Front Seawall Models Under Regular Waves

Author(s): K. V. Anand; V. Sundar; S. A. Sannasiraj

Linked Author(s): Vallam Sundar, Sannasi Annamalaisamy Sannasiraj

Keywords: Seawall; Pressures; Non-overtopping seawall; Regular waves

Abstract: Seawalls are the most widely adopted coastal protection measure. The design of an efficient seawall should be such that overtopping is minimized even during coastal flooding and extreme events by maintaining its crest elevation lower. This may possibly be achieved by reshaping the front shape of the structure in such a way that it offers maximum resistance to the flow or enhances the dissipation of incident wave energy. With this background, an experimental study on the measurement of dynamic pressures over two different types of curved front face seawall models along with a vertical seawall was carried out. The measured parameters for the two types of curved seawalls are compared with that on a vertical seawall. All the tests were carried out with the models rigidly fixed over a bed slope of 1 in 30 in a wave flume and subjected to the action of regular waves. The dynamic pressure distributions measured along the surface of models are reported in a dimensionless form as a function of relative water depth and relative wave length. The details of the test facility, models, experimental program, results and analysis are presented and discussed in this paper.


Year: 2010

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