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Influence of Change in Water Surface Elevation on Reshaping of Statically Stable Berm Breakwater

Author(s): Subba Rao

Linked Author(s): Shri Subba Rao

Keywords: Recession of berm; Erosion of berm; Runup; Rundown; Statically Stable berm breakwater; Stability number

Abstract: A new reshaped berm breakwater model is proposed with 5 layers of armor stones in the primary units at the berm horizontal portion and below the berm portion, and 3 layers of armor stone at portion above the berm and with seaward slope of 1:1. 5. The influence of wave parameters on the profile parameters like recession of the berm and eroded area of the berm, and runup and rundown, in intermediate water conditions for different water depths is studied with the aid of 1:30 scale physical models under regular wave attack. The variation in water surface elevation in front of the breakwater, from hB/d=1 to1.15, varied the dimensionless recession, from 1 to 7,7 to 12 and 11 to 19, for the stability numbers 2.29-2.47,2. 74-2.87 and 3.19–3.33 respectively. In the range of experimental variables studied, as the hB/d parameter varied from 1.0 to 1.15, the dimensionless runup varied from 0.8 to 1.3 and the rundown varied from 0.46 to 1.08.


Year: 2010

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