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The Seasonal Variation of Mean Sea Level in the Arabian Gulf

Author(s): Ali Qasem; Peter Hawkes; Clea Denamiel

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Keywords: Rabian Gulf; Mean Sea Level; Seasonal Variations

Abstract: It is well-known that the Mean Sea Level (MSL) varies seasonally in the Arabian Gulf. This variation is consistent and is included in tidal predictions. This paper examines more than 20 years of measured sea level data from 12 tide stations in the Arabian Gulf, to refine predictions of this seasonal variation. It compares the different methods used in Saudi Aramco and UK tide tables to represent this variation. It also compares variations in different parts of the Arabian Gulf, within the Saudi coastal and offshore areas, and to what extent these can be attributed to seasonal variations in atmospheric pressure. The results of this paper, especially in the areas where the data is collected, show that there are huge influences of the atmospheric pressure on the MSL variation in the Arabian Gulf. The outcome of this paper could be used to refine tidal predictions on the Saudi Arabian coast.


Year: 2010

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