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Coastal Protection Alternatives on the Dubai Shoreline

Author(s): Geoffrey Smith; Christoph Soltau; Maria Le Roux

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Keywords: Dubai; Erosion; Coastal protection; Groyne; Shoreline model; Beach nourishment

Abstract: A resort development was planned at a site along the sandy shoreline of Dubai. Construction of The World offshore islands, and of other islands nearshore, has resulted in a reversal of longshore transport direction at the site. This has caused the previously accreting shoreline at the site to erode. Protection of the resort shoreline was therefore a priority. A number of beach protection alternatives were considered and the option of a groyne with beach nourishment was selected. The advantage of this option was that the site would be protected, with limited maintenance. A shoreline model was employed for the design of the groyne and associated beach. Simulations were conducted to assess the extent of downdrift erosion, both including and excluding the groyne. As expected, it was found that the presence of the groyne slightly aggravated erosion downdrift of the study site. Due to a lack of clarity on responsibilities for maintaining the downdrift beach, and also considering the likelyhood of further offshore island construction (which would yield the groyne superfluous), a solution using only beach nourishment was designed. It was determined, from shoreline modelling, that even when the shoreline is accreted relative to the current shoreline, alongshore sand losses from the site are not severe (order of 5000 m 3 /year) and that repetitive beach nourishment is a viable alternative.


Year: 2010

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