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Failure During Cyclone Gonu and Reconstruction of the Fort Jalali Revetment, Oman

Author(s): Ridha Bentiba; Ian Cruickshank; Shadhan Ahmed Hilal Al Khalili

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Keywords: Cyclone Gonu; Jalali; Muscat; Oman; Numerical modelling; Physical modelling; Concrete armour units; Sheds; Accropode TM

Abstract: During the night of 6 June 2007, Cyclone Gonu caused substantial damage to the 300m long revetment adjacent to Fort Jalali, by the helipad of the Guest House in Muscat. The damage included destruction to 200m of the Shed concrete armour units, collapse of numerous 180 tonne concrete crest blocks and failure of the slope. The collapse was significant not least as the revetment had failed once before in its history. The paper describes the history of the revetment including the nature of the previous failure of different concrete units and assessment of the damage and mode of failure. The paper also addresses the subsequent redesign of the revetment included the numerical modelling of the cyclone as it hit landfall and complex local shoaling of the cyclone waves as they approached the revetment itself. The complex shoaling at this particular site resulted in a design which used 16m 3 concrete armour units which are larger units than any other construction in the region. Physical model tests were used to confirm and optimise the design. Construction issues included construction logistics and problems encountered.


Year: 2010

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