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Responsible Fishing in India After Tsunami: Self Induced Conservation Package Initiatives from Fisherfolk

Author(s): S. Premjith

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Keywords: Fisheries; Mechanization; Fisherfolk; Resources; Conservation; Self-induced

Abstract: It has been reported that the marine fisheries in India over the years has declined considerably due to over capitalization. The highly productive inshore waters below 50 meters depths have reached a platform of stagnation with effect to scope less on towards further exploitation. The impact of mechanization has caused severe threats over the livelihood of the traditional fisher folk of India with intense conflicts who concentrate their fishing in the inshore waters. This has mooted the fisher folk to be more concerned over the resources. Three cases where the fisher folk have taken their own initiatives to conserve the resources have been documented and presented in this paper. The results of the in-depth analysis of the selected three cases inform that the fisher folk have been self-induced rather on based compulsion for taking initiatives over the conservation. This paper will be a benchmark to critically analyze the mode of self-induction by the fisher folk for the process of conserving the resources.


Year: 2010

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