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Sea Water Intrusion Mapping Using GALDIT Model

Author(s): S. M. Yadav; B. K. Samtani; H. D. Vasava

Linked Author(s): S.M. Yadav

Keywords: Ground water; Open ended model; Mapping; South Gujarat coast; Salinity control

Abstract: The coastal tracts in India cover parts of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa and West Bengal. Besides the Inherent ground water salinity in the coastal tract, Sea water intrusion is also one of the major problems in the coastal region. In certain areas problem of upcoming of saline water has also been reported due to overexploitation of ground water. The occurrence of inland salinity may be due to over exploitation of ground water, use of surface water and ground water in complete isolation, characteristics of aquifer or some other reasons. In the present paper the salinity ingress over the coastal region of India has been discussed and a case study of mapping of salinity ingress in a South Gujarat region is discussed in particular. To measure the ingress of salinity, GALDIT index has been studied in detail for the South Gujarat region. The GALDIT index is an open ended model allowing the user for addition and deletion of one or more parameters. The parameters used in the model are ground water occurrence (aquifer type), hydraulic conductivity of aquifer, height of ground water above sea water, distance of the location from the sea shore, existing status of sea water intrusion and thickness of the aquifer. The GALDIT index for the study region is worked out to be 7.11 which very high and immediate measures to control the salinity ingress are required. The authority proposed construction of “balloon dam “–a fresh water reservoir in the study region which will increase the rate of recharging and reduce the salinity index to a great extent.


Year: 2010

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