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Spatial Variability Pattern of Hyporheic Exchange in a Braided River

Author(s): Guangdong Wu; Xiao Zhang; Jijun Xu

Linked Author(s): Jijun Xu

Keywords: No keywords

Abstract: The streambed flux is variable in space; the spatial variability results in part from bedforms, but few works on streambed fluxes in channels with strongly abrupt varying bedforms are carried out. Heat as a tracer to delineate the streambed flux pattern has been widely adopted in numerous fields. In this paper, a braided channel with complicated topography was selected as study site, where the temperature was monitored. One-dimensional (1-D) analytical method based on the amplitude attenuation (<i>A<sub>r<sub/><i/>) and 1-D numerical method were used to interpret the temperature. As a result, streambed fluxes of a total of 50 sites in the braided channel are obtained. From the results we can know the magnitude and direction of streamed flow velocity are spatially variable, even within a 1-m distance. Then, this study summarizes five bedform-driven flux patterns: ① downward flow driven by the head difference between groundwater and stream, ② downward flow related to a meter-scale pool, ③ a transition from upward to downward flow associated with a centimeter-scale riffle, ④ horizontal flow in braided bars and ⑤ upward flow driven by vegetation roots. Overall, multiple physical mechanisms together contributed to the complex streambed flow system, which reflected great challenges for the scaling up of point-in-space seepage flux.


Year: 2018

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