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Signal Acquisition and Processing System Based on Zynq Dual Core

Author(s): Jingjia Tan; Lesheng He; Jun Wang

Linked Author(s): Jun Wang

Keywords: No keywords

Abstract: In order to speed up the acquisition and processing of signal, this paper has developed a signal acquisition and processing system based on zynq platform. Based on the ARM Cortex-A9 dual-core and editable logic unit architecture of Zynq AP SoC platform, this paper implements a fully functional signal acquisition and processing system by software and hardware collaborative design. ARM0 is the main processor that controls system and shared resources. ARM1 is the slave processor. ARM1 is responsible for receiving the data converted by the AD7606 analog-to-digital chip. The data is sent to the Hamming window function IP core created under vivado HLS through the AXI bus. After the data is processed by Hamming window function, it is sent to ARM1 again through AXI bus. OCM acts as the shared memory for ARM0 and ARM1 communication. The Linux system runs on ARM0. The processed data is sent to the upper computer through ethernet through UDP protocol. Utilizing the architecture of the Zynq platform, the system efficiency is improved, and the stability of the system is ensured, so that the FPGA can enter the field of embedded systems.


Year: 2018

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