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Design and Implementation of Online Shopping System Based on B/S Model

Author(s): Fan Wei; Qian Zhang

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Keywords: No keywords

Abstract: B/S structure (Browser/Server) is one hidden client mode after WEB development. This kind of network structure mode unifies WEB browser as the client-side in order to integrate the core part of system function realization to the server. B/S model simplifies system development, maintenance, and usage. The client only needs one Browser under the B/S model, and the browser interact data with database through Web Server. Since the B/S model has such huge advantages, this online shopping system is based on this model. The system through the MVC(Model, View, and Controller) framework integrate network of online shopping system, completing the control layer management, processing data access. Finally, the system can meet online shopping requirements basically, and its also a good application of e-commerce. Customers can know the relevant information of products at any time, and they can have mass commodity information. Besides, the drawbacks of traditional shopping such as geographical and time limitations have been solved completely.


Year: 2018

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