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Contribution to the Theory of Undular Bores. A journey around the Korteweg-de Vries equation

Author(s): Damien Violeau

Linked Author(s): Damien Violeau

Keywords: Undular bores; Korteweg; de-Vries; water-surface; oscillations; stationary water; tides; tsunamis; river dams; lock operations; shock waves; water monographs; IAHR water monographs; open access; EDF


The mission of Contribution to the Theory of Undular Bores. A journey around the Korteweg—de Vries equation is to describe some of the most important and classic theoretical features of undular bores, with the aim of enabling an engineer (or a non-specialist researcher) to journey through this beautiful topic of mathematical physics.

Undular bores are water-surface oscillations that propagate between two levels of stationary water. They occur under various circumstances (such as tides, tsunamis, river dams and lock operations) and are a visible part of a larger group of physical phenomena termed dispersive shock waves.

Readers will learn in a rigorous way but without difficult mathematical concepts, the theoretical developments that begun at the end of 19th century.



Year: 2022

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