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Artificial Intelligence

Author(s): Bojana Jankovic-Nisic; Harry Seah; Rebekah Eggers; Steven Brunton; Dragan Savic; Vladan Babovic; Joseph Lee

Linked Author(s): Bojana Jankovic-Nisic, Steven L. Brunton, Dragan Savic, Vladan Babovic, Joseph Hun-Wei Lee


Abstract: In his introduction IAHR President Joseph Lee explained the motivation for the High Level Panel (HLP) meeting. In the IAHR Strategic Plan 2020-2023, three major directions were set out for IAHR development: Eco-hydraulics and nature-based solutions, Artificial Intelligence (AI)and water, and Engagement with Africa. AI is on the national agenda of many countries. But so far AI has not really had any significant impact on the water industry and the global water challenges – such as forecast and mitigation of extreme weather events (e.g. typhoon disasters) and ecosystem services (e.g. harmful algal blooms and fisheries) impacted by climate change. Despite the rapid developments in AI in recent years, it is increasingly recognized that AI has to be explainable, and gaps exist in applying AI to transform traditional industries to create social and economic value.


Year: 2022

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