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Drought Impacts on Water Use and Quality: A Challenge for Potable and Irrigation Water in the Summer of 2022

Author(s): Elena Carcano; Mirzi Betasolo

Linked Author(s): Elena Carcano

Keywords: No keywords

Abstract: This study deals with the current arid conditions happening in north eastern side of Italy which deeply effected both touristic and agriculture incomes. The rain hasn’t fallen in the study area from the middle of May and if it doesn’t come through a huge variety of crops glidening from aromatic plants to vegetables and flower bulbs are succumbing and will soon die. Generally the expected yearly cumulative rainfall is 1 m high with intensive rainfall occurring from November up to late May. Unfortunately, omens of a prolonged drought could be detected from the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022 since the precipitation pattern has strongly decreased this year having determined unexpected arid conditions since May, June. Moreover, due to the prolonged sequences of non-rainy days the water table levels have lowered so much to be able to facilitate the saline’s wedge ‘s resurgence which is detrimental for potable water as it impairs both water’s quality and durability. In such circumstances proper additional distribution of water through tankers is encouraged in order to fulfill the hygienic and potable demands of the population. The local town halls have emanated bans since July 2022 to prohibit water’s use different from potable and hygienic purposes. Therefore, all the hydropower plants production is stopped likewise the irrigation for gardens and destination of water for ludic targets such as swimming pools, Turkish baths and beauty spa treatments. The paper considers the ecological effect that lack of water may cause on the environment.


Year: 2022

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