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The RETERO Project: 3R Motivated Risk Assessment Methods for Downstream Fish Passage Through Hydraulic Structures

Author(s): Stefan Hoerner; Shokoofeh Abbaszadeh; Andre Busch; Ianina Kopecki; Roberto; Leidhold; Nadine Muller; Dennis Powalla; Tom Rossger; Marcio Salgueiro Roth; Matthias Schneider; Jurgen Stamm; Dominique Thevenin; Gert Toming; Jeffrey Tuhtan; Falko Wagner; Peter Warth

Linked Author(s): Stefan Hoerner, IANINA KOPECKI, Jeffrey Tuhtan, Matthias Schneider, Jürgen Stamm

Keywords: No keywords

Abstract: Barriers to downstream fish migration, in particular hydropower installations, pose a persistent and global threat to aquatic biodiversity. To evaluate site-specific injury and mortality risks for fish during downstream passage live fish experiments remain as the common assessment method. The RETERO (Reduction of live fish testing through science and technology) project aims to develop new methodologies to estimate the risk of injury and mortality for fish passing downstream through turbines, gates, weirs, bypasses, and upstream through pumps. The goal is to significantly reduce – and in the long-term replace – live animal testing following the Replacement-Reduction-Refinement (3R) principle in animal research. Ethohydraulic research is the first pillar of the project and has been conducted in a lab flume with live fish outfitted with sensors while their movements were tracked in 3D. The second pillar is based on experimental tools. These tools include both, passive and active sensor systems. Miniature biologgers with pressure and inertial sensors provide new insight into the fish kinematics during downstream passage and can be used to determine thresholds for injury mechanisms. This allows for a reduction of the number of individuals to validate the numerical models. Finally, actively propelled sensor probes will be used to explore the negative effects of active swimming during downstream passage, as shown by tests comparing actively swimming with anesthetized fish. As a third pillar, numerical behavioral models based on the laboratory observations have been implemented using two approaches, probabilistic and agent-based models, both in combination with CFD simulations. The broad range of new numerical and physical tools being developed in RETERO provide innovative methods for design improvements, but also the assessment of existing facilities. They are of high interest for the planning and operation of hydropower schemes for different stakeholders, including hydropower industry but also environmental experts. In this presentation we provide an overview of the RETERO project’s aims, approaches, methods and current outcomes.


Year: 2022

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