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Development of Transient Habitat Modelling for Macrozoobentho in Restored Stream

Author(s): Sengdavanh Thepphachanh; Jurgen Stamm

Linked Author(s): Jürgen Stamm

Keywords: Quatic habitat modelling; Fuzzy logic; Hydromorphology; Macrozoobenthos; River Restoration

Abstract: In European Union Water Framework Directive (EU-WFD), EU aims to reach the ambitious goal to achieve “good ecological status” for all water bodies in the European Regions by 2015. However, they face many challenges, with the highest percentage (34%) being the hydromorphology pressure to the water bodies (EEA 2018). This results in a huge number of restoration projects throughout Europe to improve hydromorphological conditions with the expectation that ecological conditions will subsequently be improved. Aquatic ecology, however, is very complex and a number of variables have to be considered when dealing with this complicated system. Therefore, there is a need for ecological functionality analysis tool that focuses on the hydromorphological changes together with biological recovery and river characteristics. The tool such as habitat modelling which can estimate the effect of planned restoration activities as well as hydrological relevant measures (e.g. extraction of discharge for hydropower, damming, flood retention measures, separation canals, etc.) onto the river ecology.


Year: 2022

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