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Three-dimensional fully Lagrangian continuum-discrete modeling of river ice jam formation

Author(s): Clement Billy; Ahmad Shakibaeinia; Mojtaba Jandaghian; Wael Taha; Iurii Lokhmanets; Andree Sylvie Carbonneau; Marie-Eve Larouche

Linked Author(s): Ahmad Shakibaeinia

Keywords: River Ice; Ice-Structure Interaction

Abstract: Ice jams in the cold region rivers can alter the river hydrodynamics, cause flood events, damage the fluvial infrastructures, and thus, affect the ecosystems. The complex multiphysics interaction of ice floes with water flows, hydraulic structures, and the morphologic characteristics of the watercourse challenge the prediction of such phenomena. The mechanism and processes involved in the formation and evolution of ice jams remain an open subject of investigation. In this paper, we develop and evaluate the capabilities of a fully Lagrangian three-dimensional continuum-discrete model for simulating ice jam formation. The Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method models the continuum fluid phase (i.e, water) coupled (two-ways) with a multi-body Lagrangian solver for the discrete phase (i.e, ice floes). As a mesh-free particle method, the Lagrangian model captures the highly dynamic flows with more flexibility compared to the classical Eulerian methods. We first validate the model to a benchmark case of water-ice interaction. Then, we simulate and validate an experimental ice jam formation test case investigating the role of various numerical and physical parameters on the accuracy of the results. Overall, the comparison of numerical results with the experimental data proves the capabilities of the model in predicting accurate ice jam dynamics.


Year: 2022

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