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Characterization of Dissolved Oxygen Depletion in Lake Yanaka

Author(s): Guangwei Huang; Nobuyuki Tamai; Hajime Ishida

Linked Author(s): Guangwei Huang, Nobuyuki Tamai

Keywords: Lake Yanaka; Dissolved oxygen depletion; Water intake; Thermal stratification; Sediment oxygen demand; Algal respiration; Diurnal variation

Abstract: In this study, characterization of dissolved oxygen variation in Lake Yanaka is conducted with the aim of elucidating the mechanism behind the severe dissolved oxygen depletion observed in the hypolimnion of the lake. The analyses suggest that the DO concentration in the bottom layer is well correlated with the five-day average value of solar radiation, and water intake could significantly influence the DO resource of the lake in two ways. As the thermal stratification develops, the DO concentration in the bottom layer is further deteriorated due to high values of sediment oxygen demand (SOD) and algal respiration, which are estimated to be 2.64 gO2m-2day-1 and 4.8 gO2m-3day-1, respectively. Finally, a DO improvement measure is assessed.


Year: 2001

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