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Estimation of Design Flood Flows Considering Climate Change

Author(s): James E. Ball; Mark Babister; Brett Phillips

Linked Author(s): Mark Babister, James Ball, Brett C Phillips

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Since 1958, when it was first released, Australian Rainfall and Runoff has remained one of the most influential and widely used guidelines for estimation of flood flows in Australia. Since publication of the current edition, initially published in 1987, there have been advances in the theory of flood flows and changes in the application of engineering hydrology to the estimation of flood flows which warrant updating of the current document. One area where these advances have been significant has been in the understanding of the potential for climate change and the influence on current estimates of flood flows. As a result of these advances, the Federal Department of Climate Change in conjunction with Engineers Australia has developed a funding package for the Australian Rainfall and Runoff Revision Projects. Presented herein are details of the projects undertaken as part of this funding package and how the information from these projects will be utilised in the revision of Australian Rainfall and Runoff.


Year: 2009

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