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Groundwater and Surface Water Data Analysis for Sustainable Water Supply Strategy Considering Climate Change Effects in Korea

Author(s): Jeong-Seok Yang; Boosik Kang

Linked Author(s): Boosik Kang, Jeong Seok Yang

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Regional hydrologic time series data sets including groundwater level, surface water level (river level), and precipitation are collected and analyzed for identifying climate change effects on hydrologic components. Most gauge stations are selected so as to have distance between stations to be less than 5 km to preserve the hydrologic similarity. As a result 16 gauge stations were selected. For recent 10to 15 years, climate change effects are observed from the hydrologic time series and other data sets. The results from regional data (South Korea) show the following trends. 1) Surface water level is decreasing. 2) Groundwater level is decreasing. 3) Annual total precipitation and daily maximum precipitation increases. For most cases, river and groundwater level are decreasing for most regions. The river level is sensitively responding to precipitation and due to decreasing number of rainy days and increasing rainfall intensity we outlook river level to lower down in the future. Furthermore groundwater system is connected to surface water components therefore we expect groundwater level will show similar pattern with river stage. Considering the results 1) and 2) those concerns turned out to be a real situation. Minimizing climate change effects by maximizing water-bearing capacity of watershed can be a solution to the problem. Maximizing the infiltration area or constructing groundwater dam near estuary to elevate groundwater level can be sound plans to secure the groundwater source and surface water source in a sense of surface water-groundwater interaction.


Year: 2009

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