Author(s): K. H. M. Ali; K. Whyte; S. Bassiakos; R. Burrows
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Keywords: Tidal Barrages; Baffles; Entrainment; Mixing; Plumes
Abstract: Several tidal barrages have been constructed in the UK in order to rehabilitate derelict urban land. The resulting permanent water body provides for many amenities such as water sports etc. In most cases, saltwater flows over these barrages during high tides creating a heavy layer under the fresh water. In certain conditions of slight mixing, little reoxygenation of the lower layers takes place leading to low levels of dissolved oxygen and possible anoxia. One possible solution is to use a baffle just upstream of the barrage in order to retain freshwaters and confine stratification. This will force the saltwater tidal influx to flow down under the baffle and into the fresh water impoundment. At the end of the tidal period, river flow will push the saltwater under the baffle and over the barrage. This paper presents some preliminary experiments designed to calculate entrainment rates and flow geometries for various barrage and baffle combinations.
Year: 2003