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Calibration of Movable-Bed Scale Model for the Nile at El-Kureimat Power Plant

Author(s): A. F. Ahmed

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: In 1992 a decision was made to construct a new 4 x 600 MW thermal power plant on the east bank of the Nile River near El-Kureimat City (about 100 km south of Cairo). At the moment the construction works were started it was observed that an efficient cooling water intake system could not be designed. This because the available flow depth in front of the selected site will be too small to provide a sufficient discharge for the cooling system, (which ultimately will be equivalent to 80 m~3/s). To cope with this problem a movable-bed scale model representing about 9 Km of the river including selected plant site was built and tested. Flume tests were carried out first on the bed material of the model to determine Chezy's C value as well as the appropriate magnitude of distortion for the movable-bed model. The purpose of this paper is to reveal the applied scaling of the processes involved and to show the results of the calibration runs.


Year: 1995

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