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Turbulent Transport Measurement in Open Channel Flow Using Laser Doppler Velocimetry Combined with Laser Induced Fluorescence Technique

Author(s): T. Feng; K. Shiono

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: In recent years the growing public interest in pollution levels related to environmental problems in river, estuarine and coastal waters has focused attention on the need to understand the mixing mechanisms which govern the transport rate of pollutants. There has therefore been an increasing interest among water engineers and scientists in improving water quality with the aid of three dimensional numerical models in conjunction with the turbulence models such as k-e model, the algebraic stress model, the Reynolds stress model and the large eddy simulation. There exists a number of numerical coefficients in the models, and in particular the diffusion coefficients are vitally important in the prediction of the solute transport rate. The value of the diffusion coefficients varies significantly depending on the turbulent levels, secondary current and shearing flows. However there are only limited data available to validate the computational results with respect to the diffusion coefficients due to the lack of the simultaneous measurements of the Reynolds stresses and fluxes in the real-time sequence.


Year: 1995

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