Author(s): Jian Liu; Akihiro Tom Inaga; Masashi Nagao
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: Turbulent structure over strip roughness in open channel flow with various roughness spacing is separately simulated by using the standard and modified low Reynolds number k-εturbulence models. The turbulence characteristics in response to roughness spacing is predicted. The effect of the free surface is taken into account in the process of the calculation. Comparisons of the velocities calculated with two turbulence models with the experimental data are very good. For turbulent shear stresses and resistance coefficient, the standard k-ε model gives the excessive high predictions except for the case of L/k=∞, whereas low Reynolds number k-ε model presents the adequate results. The values of the turbulent kinetic energy increase ap parently in the neighbor of the upstream corner of the roughness element. The mixing effects of the flow grow stronger and stronger with the decrease of the r oughness spacing.
Year: 1995