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A Com Puter Code for Turbulence Calculations

Author(s): Giancarlo Alfonsi; Giuseppe Passoni; Lea Pancaldo; Domenico Zampaglione

Linked Author(s): Domenico Zampaglione, Giancarlo Alfonsi

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: A computer code for the numerical integration of the Navier-Stokes equations in three dimensions, is presented. The system of the governing equations in nondimensional form of the time-dependent flow of a viscous incompressible fluid in a channel, is handled-following the Direct Simulation approach-by means of mixed technique, a spectral-finite difference numerical scheme; the elliptic pressure problem, cast in the Helmholtz form, is solved with the use of a cyclic reduction procedure. Results are presented mainly to demonstrate the ability of the model in performing rather accurate calculations. The availabilty of computer codes with such characteristics is of primary importance for the analysis of any modifi ed version of the system of non-linear partial differential equations of viscous fluid flow for turbulence calculations, includin g Large Eddy Simulation models.


Year: 1995

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