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Stepped Spillways. Design for the Transition Between the Spillway Crest and the Steps

Author(s): Cristobal Mateos Iguacel; Victor Elviro Garcia

Linked Author(s): Víctor Elviro García, Cristobal Mateos Iguacel

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The Hydraulic Works Administration has commissioned the Hydraulics Laboratory of the CEDEX to carry out research into a methodology for designing stepped spillways, in which emphasis is placed on the main factors that influence operation: flow rate, step dimensions, air distribution in the flow energy dissipation, rapidly varying pressures, etc. Until now a specific scale model has been used for each case, when studying the transition between the threshold and the uniform chute of a stepped spillway. The aim of this paper is to determine a suitable design of the transition on the basis of the surface flow height with which the strict profile of the crest is defined.


Year: 1995

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