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Physical and M Athematical Modelling of Alluvial Channels in Regime

Author(s): Hector Daniel Farias

Linked Author(s): Hector Daniel Farias

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The hydraulic geometry of alluvial channels is a controversial and complex topic. In the literature are distinguished three approaches for its treatment: empirical, semi-empirical and analytical. From the view point of hydraulic modelling, the first two can be enclosed in the physical modelling category, and the third can be classified as a mathematical model approach. Nevertheless, no method is substantially different from other, since the same interact mutually, sharing advantages and limitations. This is evidenced by the fact that the functions employed to calculate the frictional characteristics and the sediment transport rates possess a strong empirical component. In effect, most of that equations are the result of calibrations carried out using observations in laboratory and some few in man-made canals and natural channels.


Year: 1995

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