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Self-Induced Sloshing Caused by Jet from Rectangular Tank Wall

Author(s): M. Fukaya; M. Baba; K. Okamoto; H. Madarame

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Self-induced sloshing caused by an interaction between the surface and flow was re- cently discovered by the authors. The flow pattern had a great effect on the sloshing growth. In this study, in order to inquire further into the effect of the flow pattern on the self-induced sloshing, an inlet jet angle and a size of rectangular test tank were changed from the previous study. The self-induced sloshing was observed with a certain flow pat- tern despite the difference of the inlet jet angle. The sloshing growth conditions were compared with the previous data. As a result, the governing parameter of the sloshing growth was founded to be the Strouhal number or the Froude number.


Year: 1995

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