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Considerations for Debris Flow Experiments Using a Moving-Bed Flume

Author(s): Aldo Tamburrino

Linked Author(s): Aldo Tamburrino

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: It is well known that debris or mud flows can appear as trains of waves. There are some places where a pulsing motion of the debris or mud flow is the predominant flow mode (Zhaohui and Jignshen, 1993). Usually, the existence of periodic, permanent waves is explained as an instability phenomenon (Engelund and Wan, 1984; Liu and Mei, 1990; Lanzoni and Seminara, 1993; Ng and Mei, 1993; Wang, 1993), and the threshold condition to have roll waves is generally obtained by means of a linear analysis. Many models have been developed to determine the debris flow behavior, and most of them are based upon a constitutive equation representing the solid-water rheology. However, theory by itself is not enough to describe and explain the debris flow phenomena but it is necessary to have experimental and field data to improve our knowledge of this kind of flows.


Year: 1995

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