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The IMAGe early warning system for flood forecasting in major rivers of the Veneto Region (North of Italy)

Author(s): Daniele Pietro Viero

Linked Author(s): Daniele Pietro Viero

Keywords: forecast systems; meteorology; flood risk management; flood risk prediction


Forecast systems that integrate measurements and forecasts in meteorological and hydrological topics are essential. The systems that integrate the information of the Veneto rivers are presented, where the basins have an enormous anthropization: dams, urban development, irrigation... with which the prediction and modeling is fundamental. 

The system that is used integrates the data acquisition processes of the available systems with the predictions for the next three days in terms of hydrological models that, analyzing the runoff, can make flood predictions taking into account various aspects. Hydraulic models are developed with techniques numerical techniques that can propose virtual flood analyzes with different contour hypotheses. The information must be presented and arranged for the recipients, for the population and for the professionals. 


Year: 2023

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