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TMD as an Approach to Mitigate Ice-Induced Vibrations

Author(s): L. Zhang; Z. L. Fan; Q. J. Yue

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Keywords: No keywords

Abstract: The problems of ice induced vibrations have been noticed and become a concern since the 1960’s, but it has not been well resolved. One reason is that the dynamic interaction between ice and a structure is so complicated that a practical ice force model has not been developed. The recent full scale tests conducted on jacket platforms in the Bohai Sea proved that ice could cause intense vibrations which endanger the facilities on the deck and make discomfort for the crew. In this paper, the strategy of mitigation of ice induced offshore structure vibration is discussed. Based on observation and understanding of the interaction between ice and a structure, the proposed mitigation approach, absorption method for suppressing of ice-induced vibrations is described. The numerical simulations were conducted for a structure attached with a TMD under ice force function and ice force time history to evaluate the performance of the TMD. Keywords: ice resistant structure, ice-induced vibrations, vibration mitigation, TMD.


Year: 2008

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