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Physical Simulation Technique on the Behaviour of Oil Spills in Grease Ice Under Wave Actions

Author(s): Zhijun Li; Bruce Hollebone; Merv Fingas; Ben Fieldhouse

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Keywords: No keywords

Abstract: For the laboratory studies of wave-grease ice, wave-grease ice-spilled oil interactions, especially the emulsion of oil under waves, a physical simulation technique is built up, and the wave energy at the level as that used in chemical laboratory. The main part of the technique is a mini wave flume. Its wave making power is from an oscillator in chemical laboratory, made of glass with insulation materials around its five sides for using in cold room. The reasons of using glass and plastic materials in the technology are that these materials do not absorb spilled oil and the wave in the flume can be monitored by videos and cameras. The wave parameters are obtained from these photos following image analysis technology. Based on ice growth theory and a series of cold room tests, the cold room temperatures for grease ice making and keeping with and without waves have been determined. Under these temperatures, an invariable amount of grease ice keeps under the wave actions. The relations of wave parameters of wave height, wave length and wave frequency with adjust parameters of the position of oscillator power transfer bar holes, the oscillator frequencies, the flume water depths have been established following a series of wave making capability tests. Based on these relations, the wave parameters can be controlled when testing. Hence, it is possible that the physical simulation technique performs the tests of interactions among wave, grease ice and spilled oil.


Year: 2008

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