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Sea Ice Desalination in Solid State by Temperature Control

Author(s): Wei Gu; Yingjun Xu; Weijia Cui; Ning Li; Shuqing Huang; Peijun Shi

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Abstract: In view of severe scarcity of fresh water in the Bohai Rim and the abundance in sea ice in Bohai Sea, a tester to obtain fresh water from sea ice by desalination through controlling temperature was designed in this paper. A field trial of Bohai sea ice desalination and an indoor observation trial of salt movement with a type of blue trailer in the sea ice body were completed. The results showed that the micro-structural characteristics of sea ice as a hybrid of crystal and brine symbiotically formed the technology basis, and the brine in the sea ice body moved down along the micro-pipelines rapidly and drained away through gravitation and washing function of water melted from ice crystals. When the air temperature was controlled within the range of 2 to 6 and the sea ice temperature was controlled within the range of -1.5 to 2 about from five days to seven days, the salinity of sea ice pieces might descend under 1‰, the product rate of the desalted water would be more than 60% and the output of single device could be up to 381.6 m3 during the ice period in a year. Desalted water quality could reach the irrigation water quality standard completely and could accord with the environmental quality standard of drinking water and surface water in China with the exception of NH3. The trial cost of water produced from sea ice was about 4.47 RBM/m3. Keywords: Water resources; Bohai Sea; Sea ice desalination; Greenhouse; Temperature control


Year: 2008

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