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The Response of Bohai Sea Ice Area to the Climate Change

Author(s): Shuai Yuan; Yingjun. Xu; Wei. Gu; Ning. Li; Weijia Cui; Peijun Shi

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Keywords: Bohai Sea; Seaice area; NOAA/AVHRR; Climate change; Response

Abstract: To discover the new water sources for regions around Bohai Sea in China, sea ice in Bohai Sea is considered as a new kind of fresh water resource due to its lower salinity than that of sea water. It is feasible after desalination and other experiments. So it is vital to know the quantity of the sea ice in Bohai Sea, and its response to the climate change which will affect the future use of the sea ice. Sea ice area is one of the most important parameters to estimate the quantity of sea ice. So a time series of sea ice area of Bohai Sea were established after data collecting and data processing. And this paper makes a primary study of the response of sea ice area to the climate change.


Year: 2008

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