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Effect Analysis of Air Temperature Variation on the Ice Regime of the Yellow River in the Last 50 Years

Author(s): Chunqing Wang; Arthur E. Mynett; Jian Yang

Linked Author(s): Arthur Mynett

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: According to the winter air temperature data from 1951 to 2008 of the representative stations in the Yellow River basin, statistically analyze the characteristics of the last 50 years mean air temperature and air temperature variation and effect on the ice regime, and based on the analyzing air variation characteristics and relation with the ice regime, to set up the relationship between air temperature and ice regime. Systematically analyze the spatial and temporal distribution and historical variation characteristics of the winter air temperature and its relation with the ice regime, provide the credible information for analyze the cause of formation for the ice regime. And also using the air temperature and ice regime data and its correlativity before Liujiaxia and Sanmenxia reservoir put into operation, set up the empirical relation formula of the ice regime calculation, and through the natural ice regime characteristics calculation and compare with the observed ice regime data before and after the reservoir put into operation, quantitatively analyze influence on ice regime of the air temperature variation and discharge etc. other factors variation. This not only objectively quantify analyze the factors variation influence on the ice regime, and also provide the new idea and method for the further study of the ice regime and ice hazard cause of formation.


Year: 2012

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