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Appearance of Anchor Ice on Constructions Submerged into Water

Author(s): I. N. Shatalina; G. A. Tregub

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Keywords: Nchor ice; Frazil ice; Radiation cooling; Temperature construction surface submerged into water; Water temperature; Convective heat flow; Heat balance

Abstract: It is known that when in river water cooled down to 0oC anchor ice is appeared on rocks, heads of intakes and so on. It is also known crystal growing of frazil ice on boundary surface of layers with different density in river mouth when sea water cooled down to its freezingpoint during tides and winds enters river bed and creates lay under river water cooled down to 0oC. Anchor ice is growing on construction surface submerged into waters of the similar way. The reason of anchor ice growing on constructions submerged into water is temperature decrease of backing surface lower than the water freezing temperature. Such temperature decrease appears in the result of heat exchange from construction surface due to surface radiation cooling based on the ability of anyone surface to radiate heat.


Year: 2006

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