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Response of Two Piers on Confederation Bridge to Ice Loading Event of April 4,2003

Author(s): R. Frederking; I. Kubat; S. Prinsenberg

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Keywords: Ice forces; Structure response; Ice failure behaviour; Sea ice

Abstract: A large piece of shore fast ice approximately 5 by 10 km broke free and drifted through Northumberland Strait on April 4 2003, interacting with the piers of the Confederation Bridge. The ice had been surveyed shortly before its break-up and its thickness was about 1 m with many ridges of about 4 m thickness when averaged over a 20-m diameter. While the ice was quite thick, it was late in the season and thus relatively warm, resulting in the maximum force determined on the two piers to be only in the order of 2 MN. Hand held videos of the episode provided an overview of the ice failure processes observed.


Year: 2006

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