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River Ice Investigations in Norwegian Watercourses - a Review

Author(s): Randi Pytte Asvall

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Abstract: Ice on lakes and rivers is a part of nature in most parts of Norway. Ice has earlier been excavated and used for various cooling purposes, often stored in winter to be used in the summer, before other cooling techniques were available. Along the southern coast of Norway there were "ice houses" in the harbours providing ice, among other things for the fisheries all through the summer. [n the winter ice covered rivers and lakes were easy and safe travelling routes which a lot of transportation depended on. Knowledge of occurence and quality of the ice was therefore of great importance. Ice observations are known for more than 100 years back, but unfortunately these series are far from complete. The ice also could cause problems, and in many areas ice runs have been known "as long as man can remember", and before any water regulation took place. The increased water stage due to ice formation was well known.


Year: 1994

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