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Ice and Sedimentation Processes in the Saint John River, Canada

Author(s): Spyros Beltaos; Brian C. Burrell; Sayed Ismail

Linked Author(s): Brian Burrell

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: During the period 1885 to 1991,27 major flood events have occurred along the upper Saint 10hn River (NOLAN, DAVIS & ASSOCIATES, 1991). Ice jamming during the spring breakup of the ice cover, and sometimes during the freeze-up, is the main cause of the flooding, which results in considerable damages in both Maine (USA) and New Brunswick (Canada). In April of 1991, ice jams caused damages of $ 20 million, being the "worst that anyone has ever seen" at Allagash, Maine (Fig. 1), according to a town official. In this small community, 35 buildings were damaged, including 15 that were completely destroyed (Fig. 2). The ice also destroyed two bridges, isolating parts of the community. In New Brunswick, a jam near Ste-Anne-de-Madawaska (referred to simply as "Ste-Anne" in the following sections) forced the evacuation of 36 families and protracted highway and railway closures.


Year: 1994

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