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An Analysis of Ice Jam Break up Flood Discharge on the Yellow River Between Llujiaxia and Toudaoguai Section

Author(s): Laifei Yang; Wei C. Tsong

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: One of the major research topic on the ice jams probrem is the analysis of the flood discharge properties of ice jams at the time of breakup. This paper analyzes the formation and evolution of flood discharge at the breakup. The analysis is based on the measured data of water levels and discharges at the breakup during 1960 and 1983. in the river section between Liujiaxia and Toudaoguai on the Yellow River. The results of analysis shows that there exists a functional relationships between the peak flood and the water storage for the ice jams breakup. During the freeze up period. the volume of water stored under the ice cover will be released rapidly to form the peak flow when the break up occurs. The magnitude of the flood discharge at each station is mainly determined by the process of the inflow and the channel storage of the upstream river section.


Year: 1994

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