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Studies of Ice Jamming in the Upper Niagara River: Introduction and Background

Author(s): Randy D. Crissman; Robert Ettema; David Andres; Richard Carson

Linked Author(s): Robert Ettema

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The upper Niagara River forns part of the boundary between the Province of Ontario in Canada and the State of New York in the United States (USA). The Niagara River is an important source of hydroelectric energy for both the USA and Canada. This paper provides background information about the physical characteristics of the Niagara River and an overview of a comprehensive set of studies being administered by the New York Power Authority (NYPA) to evaluate the design and operation of the NYPA's and Ontario Hydro's (OH) generating stations and their relationship to ice jams in the upper Niagara River. A series of papers presented in these proceedings further describes some of the studies.


Year: 1994

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