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Dynamic Unsteady One -Dimensional Flow Routing in Ice-Covered Rivers

Author(s): Peter Reiter; Mikko Huokuna

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Abstract: Numerical modeling of unsteady, rapidly varying flow events in ice-covered rivers is of importance for countries with long-lasting severe winter conditions. That is the case in Finland where rivers are ice-covered for several months every year and problems resulting from frazil ice, ice jams and ice break-up are annually recurring events. A four-year research project was started in Finland, May 1985. Intensive investigations on four rivers, each river reach with the approx, length of 30-60 km, with different ice problems shall enable the future calibration and operation of real-time river ice forecast modeling. The numerical modeling has been based on the modified NWS/DAMBRK computer program ICEDAMBRK. SI as the basic dynamic unsteady routing routine. The thermal model as well as frazil ice and ice cover models are based on Professor H. Tao Shen's river ice computer programs. Dr. Danny L. Fread and professor H. Tao Shen are actively participating in the model development. At present, a first workable option of ICEDAMBRK. SI was used for several types of simulation: Short-term operation of a hydropower plant, Ice conditions and spring floods, Dam failure analysis under winter conditions. The modeling techniques will be presented and examples of the present use are given.


Year: 1986

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