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Experiments on Freeze-Bonding Between Ice Blocks in Floating Ice Rubble

Author(s): J. A. Schaefer; R. Ettema

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: A series of experiments were conducted with the aim of determining the influences of the following factors on freeze-bonding between contacting ice blocks in floating ice rubble: pressure normal to the contact plane, period and area of contact, and salinity of the water in which freeze-bonding occurred. Freeze-bonding between ice blocks in air was also investigated. The experiments were conducted with water and air temperatures of about 0 and normal pressures, between ice blocks, up to 4 kPa. This range of normal pressures may occur hydrostatically between ice blocks in layers of floating ice rubble up to about 10-m thick, or in 2 to 3-m-thick layers which are in a passive Rankine state of pressure. The experiments show that stronger freeze-bonds develop between ice blocks in distilled water, tap water and water from the Iowa River than develop between ice blocks contacting in air at DC. However, stronger freeze-bonds developed in air at 0C than developed between ice blocks in 0C saline (Nad) solutions with salinities in excess of 12.5% by weight. The strength of freeze-bonding increased linearly with contact period for ice blocks in distilled, tap and river waters, but did not increase with contact period for ice blocks contacting in saline solutions or in air. The results of the experiments are useful contributions to explanations of the shear strength behavior of a layer of floating ice rubble. For example, thicker layers of ice rubble may show greater cohesive behavior, because normal pressures and thus freeze-bond strengths increase with layer thickness.


Year: 1986

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