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Trends in the Domain of Ice Hydraulics

Author(s): O. Starosolszky

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The volume of information on river-, lake- and sea ice has increased considerably during the last decade. The dissemination of recent advances in this domain has been greatly promoted by the activities of several international associations and organizations, including the IAHR Section on Ice Problems, further by the international symposia held at Reykjavik, Leningrad, Budapest and Hanover. Beyond regular exchange of experiences, the international organizations and associations dealing with ice problems may greatly promote the development of science and technology by establishing international working groups, making more efficient use of the intellectual capacity available through division of labour. In the interest of coordinating and organizing activities, a general survey is deemed desirable on the present state of knowledge and on the problems requiring to be solved urgently at international level. A brief review is thus presented on the knowledge related to the formation, movement, effects of ice as well as to the potential methods of influencing these, indicating the domains of research where phenomena can be cleared and more effective procedures can be developed by international cooperation for planning engineering measures.


Year: 1978

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