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Effect of Ice Formation on Hydraulic Structure Elements

Author(s): S. M. Aleinikov; A. I. Pekhovich; E. L. Razgovorova

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Ice action on hydraulic structures may be caused either by dynamic (thrust) and static forces, or by physical-mechanical effects. Static ice pressure of the first kind is associated with a temperature rise in the ice (ice cover) that is partially or completely pinched around the contour, while static pressure of the second kind arises when water freezes in closed spaces, viz. cavities, shells, etc. The determination of the static pressure of the second kind merits our special attention. Besides some problems pertaining to physical-mechanical ice effects are considered, i. e. ice accretion, ice adhesion, etc., which lead to deterioration of conditions on the surface of hydraulic structure elements, namely, those of roughness, surface tension and surface energy, and so forth.


Year: 1978

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