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Ice-Structure Interaction Studies on a Lighthouse in the Gulf of Bothnia Using Response Spectrum and Power Spectral Density Function Analyses

Author(s): M. Maattanen; D. V. Reddy; M. Arockiasamy; P. S. Cheema

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The paper describes the study of the relationship between power spectral density and response spectrum analyses of the displacement response of the Kemi I lighthouse to ice forces considering the foundation flexibility. The force values are the field measurements on the Kemi I lighthouse in the Gulf of Bothnia. The responses are determined by assuming that the given soil-structure system has properties defined in a prescribed range. The structure is modelled as an assemblage of two-dimensional beam elements and using the consistent-mass formulation. The foundation flexibility is considered using translational and rotational stiffnesses at the base of the lighthouse at sea bed level. The ice pressure records are digitized using the Nyquist criterion and the stationarity is verified by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The response spectra for the randomly fluctuating forces and the averaged ice pressure power spectral density are determined. The peaks of the curve, representing a power spectral density function, are broadened for a range of frequencies to account for the uncertainties in the loading and structural parameters. The mean square displacement of a structure obtained from the power spectral density function, and the maximum displacement obtained from response spectra analysis have a probabilistic relationship.


Year: 1978

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