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Probabilities of Thermal Ice Pressures in Five Swedish Lakes

Author(s): Lars Bergdahl; Lars Wernersson

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: For five Swedish lakes, the recurrence intervals and magnitudes of ice pressures caused by thermal expansion has been estimated. A numerical model has been developed that calculates the thermal pressure in an ice cover for observed ice and snow cover characteristics and observed weather. Maxima of the calculated pressure that exceed 50 kN/m are listed for each lake, and annual-maximum series and peaks over a threshold series are formed for the lakes. Three types of distribution are fitted to the annual-maximum series and one type to the peaks over a threshold series. Reasonable estimates of the expected pressures of the return periods 100,500, and 1000 years are for the northernmost lake Torke trask (68.3N, 19.5E) 507,550 and 569 kN/m and for the southernmost lake Vidostern (57.1N, 14.0E) 330,380 and 400 kN/m. The number of years varied between 12 and 16.


Year: 1978

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