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Scale Effects in a Vertical Double Slot Fishway

Author(s): Anne-Fleur Lejeune; Damien Calluaud; Laurent David; Gerard Pineau; Jean Carl Rousseau; Richard Tessier; Sylvain Richard; Laurent Dupuis; Olivier Mercier; Pierre Sagnes

Linked Author(s): Damien Calluaud, Laurent David, Gérard PINEAU, Anne-Fleur Lejeune

Keywords: Vertical double slot fishway; Ecohydraulics; Scale effects; In-site and laboratory experiments; Turbulent flow

Abstract: This paper presents results on the scaling effects between a full-scale a Vertical Double Slot Fishway (VDSF) in Malause, on the Garonne River (France) and its 1:6 model reproduction in the Pprime Institute of the University of Poitiers (France), which assured the Froude similitude. Acoustic Doppler Velocimetry (ADV) measurements were performed to access the three components of the velocity on two profiles in each fishway. Full-scale measurements are exposed. Flow topology, mean flow and unsteady velocity components features as well as turbulence kinetic energy are evaluated for both scales and compared to one another. Results show a good agreement between the dynamics of the turbulent flow in both scales, which indorse the use of laboratory scale models for designing full-scale fishways in the future and in particular VDSFs. The flow and turbulence features could be estimated from laboratory experiments and extrapolated for an ecohydraulics point of view.


Year: 2023

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