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Numerical and Physical Modelling of the Arenos Dam Spillway (SPAIN)

Author(s): Juan Jose Rebollo Cillan; Angel Bautista Yanez; Cristina Sola Garcia; Roberto Carlos Martinez Garcia; Luis Balairon Perez; Lucia Turrero Ruiz; Tamara Ramos Del Rosario; Angel Gasso Sanchez; Ricardo Herrero Santos; David Lopez Gomez

Linked Author(s): Ángel Gassó Sánchez, Juan José Rebollo Cillán, David López Gómez, Luis Balairón Pérez

Keywords: Renos; Spillway; Hybrid modelling; Lagragian; Eulerian

Abstract: This paper objective is to show all the works related to the hybrid modelling in the new design of the Arenos Dam, located in the eastern Spain (Castellon). The modifications are focused in one of the three spillways which currently are supporting the dam management and reproduce a complex system to increase the drainage capacity of the structure. For the analysis, both physical a numerical modelling has been used to achieve the optimal solution and the options best adapted to the hydraulic and geological requirements. In this sense, the main idea is to compare the results obtained with the two methodologies in different sections, as the pressure and water levels in the main channel or the flow behavior in the jump. Finally, with aerial techniques with drone in the physical model, it is possible to superpose the trajectory of the flow spin on the results obtained with the 3D numerical simulation, which is very useful to calibrate this last methodology.


Year: 2023

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