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Scour Geometry and Dune Formation Characteristics around Customized Structure in Channels

Author(s): Rajib Das; Subhasish Das; Michele Palermo; Deep Roy; Simone Pagliara

Linked Author(s): Michele Palermo

Keywords: eccentricity; scour depth; sediment relocation; square structure

Abstract: In this study, an attempt is made to verify the scour geometry and location of the dunes at a channel downstream where various structures are used as flow barriers. Various structures such as a square structure with a vane attached to one side, a rhombus and two similar structures positioning eccentrically, are used to examine scour geometry and dune formation. Overall, six Clearwater tests are performed, three of which are of single structures and three are a combination of two similar structures. All tests are performed keeping approach flow depth, discharge and bed material fixed. The main focus of the study is to assess the scour on both sides of such structures, relocating sand downstream and their volume. The scour depth, length, planar area and volume are measured and calculated. It is observed that the scour volume and relocating of sediments are significantly more around double structure arrangement. Also in double structure tests, sediment relocation is much greater on the eccentric structure side. As a result, on the eccentric structure side, the scour planner area and the angle of sediment relocation are significantly higher compared to the non-eccentric side. To examine further, the scour hole characteristics and the volumes of sediment relocation are computed from observed data.


Year: 2022

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